The Home of Portable & Home Audio

Hi. We're Soundphilia.

We write about the world of audio/sound. Here you'll find everything that touches on headphones, portable audio,home audio, and much more.

Soundphilia was created with a single goal: To produce excellent audio content that is helpful, fun, and well-written. We were born with a passion for music and a love for high-quality audio gear. Our mission is to share the passion with fellow audiophiles, audio enthusiasts, and music lovers.

Unlike other audio sites, we don't believe in bombarding you with nerdy breakdowns and pointless stats. If an audio gear is not up to scratch, you will know about it. We'll let you know if it's fantastic and soothes our souls.

Think of a favorite song you like, and this is the song that moves you. Now imagine that it sounds more lively, more expressive, more like you're in a front seat of a live performance. The magic of music is to stir your emotions. Here at Soundphilia, we give the best audio gear to bring out the best audio quality.

Who Are We?

A lot happens behind the scenes. Below is our team of of creators from around the world who have made Soundphilia possible.
David Calus

David Calus

Audio Engineer
Brian Murphy

Brian Murphy

Audiophile Writer


Writers & Fact Checkers

Our History

Most sites are confusing with advertisements and paid sponsorships if you search for reliable audio gear online. To change this, Soundphilia was founded in 2022 to offer easy-to-read guides, articles, reviews, and roundup posts across the different ranges of consumer audio electronics.

How We Make Money

If you have noticed, there are no ads on our site. This is deliberate. Advertisements and other paid sponsorships get in your way of making an informed decision and worsen your experience.

Instead of using ADs, our revenue comes from Amazon. We are an Amazon Affiliate. Once you click on our Amazon links after visiting the site and buy something, we get a small percentage at no cost to you. However, if a gear is not on Amazon, we'll still list it. Here we prioritize telling you about great equipment over making money.

Our Roundup Policy

Different equipment roundup reviews break down the best products in each category and explain why we picked them. We also offer buying advice on each roundup post to help you make an informed decision. Our roundup posts are written by different experts and filed under the Soundphilia-Team on our site.

Nobody bribes us to put their products on top of the list - it's all up to us. So, if a piece of gear makes it into the list, we believe it is a better product.

Our lists are not exhaustive. If your favorite headphones, subwoofer, speaker, or other audio gear is not there, it is not because it sucks. We know most audio brands but not all. There are always brands we've not heard of or some products we've not reviewed. If you feel a piece of gear should be on Soundphilia's list, contact us and tell us why. Our writers and experts may disagree with your comment, but we'll check it out.