Wired vs. Wireless Headphones: Which Should You Choose?

By Soundphilia-Team •  Updated: 08/29/22 • 

Wired vs. wireless headphones – which is better? This debate has been around and is still ongoing, with no signs of it ending anytime soon. When it comes to choosing between wired and wireless headphones, it all boils down to your lifestyle and preferences. In this post, I’ll talk about wired, wireless, and truly wireless headphones to help you make an informed decision. Enjoy. You can also check out our headphones buying guide.

Wired Headphones

Wired headphones have been around ever since the existence of the first headphones. They are like a smaller version of the full-size speakers we have in our homes. The wire is what differentiates physically wired headphones from wireless headphones.

HiFiMAN HE 4XX Wired Headphones

HiFiMAN HE 4XX Wired Headphones

Wired headphones use the headphone plug to connect to a playback device, like your phone, laptop, or PC. Wired headphones offer a simple plug-and-play mechanism, so you don’t have to worry about connectivity and pairing. There are different headphone plugs, but the most common with headphones are 3.5mm (1/8″), 6.3mm (1/4″), and USB. All you need is for your device to have a compatible headphone jack, and you’re good to go.

This is The HIFiMAN Arya Connected to a Headphone Amp

This is The HIFiMAN Arya Connected to a Headphone Amp

One of the advantages of wired headphones over wireless headphones is their sound quality. Wired headphones use analog signals, handling more data than digital signals. This means the audio of wired headphones will undergo less processing and compression to deliver quality audio.

Apart from the sound quality, wired headphones cost less than wireless headphones. This is because they are easier to make and require less technology. Wired headphones are also easier to repair. Be it audio cutting out or frayed wires, you can easily find a solution to repair your wired headphones.

Here are Wired iPod Earbuds

Here are Wired iPod Earbuds

As with all good things, wired headphones also come with their disadvantages. One of their major disadvantages is the wire. Headphone wires are very thin, which means they are also frail. The wire is also prone to twisting and tangling, and unintentionally pulling the headphone wire too hard can damage the wires, causing a short circuit. Damaged wires can lead to audio cutting out, headphones playing on one ear, static sounds, and much more.

Wireless Headphones

Wireless headphones use radio transmission technology to receive audio data from your playback device. Bluetooth is a popular type of wireless audio transmission. However, wireless headphones include Wi-Fi, infrared (IR), radio frequency (RF), and Kleer technologies.

We’ll cover all these technologies below to help you choose a wireless headphones.

This is The Beyerdynamic Amiron Wireless - One of The Best Headphones Around

This is The Beyerdynamic Amiron Wireless – One of The Best Headphones Around

Bluetooth Headphones

Bluetooth wireless is a short-range wireless technology that enables wireless communication between digital devices. It is the most popular wireless technology in headphones because it is cheap and widely accessible with most devices. The significant advantage of Bluetooth technology is that it is widely adopted, consumes less power, and is very affordable to implement. The downside is that it only allows for short-range communication, and the connection can be unstable in certain conditions.

Infrared Headphones

Infrared headphones use light to transmit audio data between headphones and the playback device. These headphones use the same technology used by our TV remotes. Infrared headphones use line-of-sight, which requires no obstruction between the transmitter and receiver. However, some models use tri-directional receivers, which ensures the connection is not broken when there is an obstruction. Most infrared headphones have a range of about 10 meters. There are two types of infrared headphones, single-channel and dual-channel. Single allows for one audio signal, while dual allows for two simultaneously without interference. Check out our best-infrared headphones.

Radio Frequency Headphones

Radiofrequency or RF headphones use frequency modulation, popularly known as FM, to transmit sound from the audio source to the headphones. With RF headphones, their major advantage is they can be used in a room without worrying about obstacles and have a wide range of around 100 meters. The transmitter of RF headphones can also allow unlimited headphones to connect, which is great for a group experience, like watching TV, or silent disco. One disadvantage of RF headphones is that RF technology is more prone to interference by other devices that generate electromagnetic signals.

These are Two Sony RF 400 Wireless Headphones on Their Docking Stations

These are Two Sony RF 400 Wireless Headphones on Their Docking Stations

Wi-Fi Headphones

Wi-Fi headphones work by connecting the headphones to a network; thereby, they can connect to your favorite streaming services without using a smartphone or playback device. Wi-Fi headphones are much faster than popular Bluetooth headphones, and they also allow the transfer of large amounts of data. The disadvantage is that Wi-Fi headphones consume a lot of energy and are also very complicated to set up. Bearing that in mind, there are very few Wi-Fi headphones in the market, although this might change with the development of the technology.

Kleer Headphones

Kleer wireless technology is one of the best wireless technologies out there. Compared to Bluetooth, Kleer offers a greater wireless range of up to 320 feet, has better audio quality, and does not require pairing. With most Bluetooth headphones, you must go through the pairing process, but Kleer headphones are Plug-and-play. Kleer technology also allows audiophile quality streaming where users can enjoy CD-quality audio. Kleer has resistance to wireless interference and consumes up to 8 times less power than Bluetooth headphones. The technology, however, not well adopted, limiting its market growth.

True Wireless Headphones

Wireless headphones use a cable to connect the two headphone drivers and receive audio signals wirelessly. However, there are no cables connecting the two earbuds for true wireless earbuds; thus, the term true wireless. With true wireless earbuds, the controls, mic, and everything else are built into the earpieces.

True wireless earbuds come with a primary earbud, or what is referred to as the master earbud, and the secondary earbud. For true wireless earbuds to work, first, the primary earbud pairs with the audio source. The secondary earbud then connects to the primary earbud automatically. The master earbud then works to compensate for latency that can occur during transmission.

The Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 in Their Charging Case

The Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 in Their Charging Case

The major benefit of true wireless earbuds is the huge leap in freedom of movement and portability. You can move your head without worrying about wires or even pick up a call with the touch of a button. The battery life is also significantly improved because true wireless earbuds come with a smart battery case. The case also allows for better portability and safer storage of the earbuds. See our guide on wireless vs. true wireless headphones.

Wired vs. Wireless Headphones

Sound Quality

Although wireless headphones have improved with changing technology, wired headphones remain the best in terms of sound quality. However, it is worth noting that sound quality differences have lessened over time, and most consumers cannot tell the difference.

The Sennheiser HD800S is One of The Best Sounding Wired Headphones Around

The Sennheiser HD800S is One of The Best Sounding Wired Headphones Around

One of the disadvantages of wireless audio is degradation while being transmitted. With popular Bluetooth headphones, first, the device sends a compressed version of the audio, which is then encoded by the electronics inside a pair of headphones. This process lowers the resolution of music, thus lowering audio quality. Latency and wireless signal interference can also degrade the audio quality of wireless headphones.


Both wireless and wired headphones offer portable versions. However, some features of wireless headphones make them more portable than wired headphones. Wireless headphones are the best option if you’re listening to music while working out. The lack of wires also makes wireless headphones easier to move around people without worrying about the headphones being accidentally yanked out of your head.


Before buying wired or wireless headphones, make sure they are compatible with your various devices.

Most wired headphones use a 3.5mm headphone plug. This enables you to connect to your phone, laptop, or PC without and listen to your favorite music, podcast, and more. However, for a user with iPhone 7, you’d require a separate headphone adapter to connect a 3.5mm plug to your phone. Without this, you’ll be unable to connect your headphones because the iPhone 7 and older versions do not have a headphone jack.

Wireless headphones mostly use Bluetooth, which makes it a requirement to get a Bluetooth-enabled device. Though Bluetooth is widely adopted, some headphones might only be compatible with the latest versions of Bluetooth. So, before getting a pair of wireless headphones, check if they are compatible with your device.

Why Choose Wired Headphones

Audiophiles – If you’re an audiophile demanding the best sound quality, wired headphones are the right choice. With wired headphones, you get the best audio fidelity without sacrificing any aspect. Wired headphones are also great for use at home, where you can relax and immerse yourself in the music.

Desk Jockeys – If you work on your desk for an extended time, wired headphones are the best choice. A pair of wired headphones connected to your computer or mobile device can help office workers who want the day to go faster than ever before. Just be sure to pick closed-back headphones and avoid disturbing your colleagues.

Why Choose Wireless Headphones

Travelers – For those of us who would like to enjoy music but are constantly on the go, wireless headphones are a must. Wireless headphones allow you to rock your favorite tunes as you travel the globe. However, ensure you are close to power or carry a power bank to help recharge your headphones.

Athletes – If you’re into sports and would like to listen to some of your favorite tracks while doing it, then wireless headphones are for you. Whether you’re working out, lifting weights, or performing other exercises and activities, wireless headphones are great to use without worrying about getting tangled up in wires.


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